Magical Structures (5 days)

prerequisite: Foundational Training

June 20 – 24, 2025 — Virtual ~ (pay early price by May 20)

ONLINE CLASSES ARE RESTRICTED. Lorraine’s teaching area for this class is all of North America. Do not register for this class if you live outside of this jurisdiction unless you are repeating the class or you have explicitly been granted an exception. A processing fee is assessed for all refunds. Please email if you have questions or need clarification.

Please note, to qualify for the early registration price, deposit must be made by the date indicated. After that date, you must pay full tuition price.

The class will be held from 10:30AM-6:30PM EST, and lunch break will be from 2:00-3:30PM each day. Plan to arrive at 10:15AM on the first day to test mics and camera and take attendance. The last day of class will be a full day. Do not plan to conclude early.

Pay Full Amount

Early Price: $655.00 USD
Regular Price: $705.00 USD
Repeaters Early: $491.25 USD
Repeaters Regular: $528.75 USD

To get the repeater's discount, select the "Redeem Coupon" button, and enter the code: REPEATER

Pay Deposit

Deposit $300.00 USD

Magical Structures Class Description

5 Days | Prerequisite: Foundational Training

Building on the evolution of the student’s system from the Foundational Training, the Magical Structures transmissions enable the student to work with:

  • Magical Energetic Structures made of “wizard thread”. These can be placed in a body for improving the functioning of an organ or system; they can be placed in a house or room to alter the feeling or quality of the space. The possibilities are endless.

  • Vortex Crystal-Grid Release. This is a healing art in itself. Students learn to pop up “Vortex Crystals” and place them in their own or someone else’s field, for energizing or to release blockage by working with the energetic blueprint of a problem.

  • Advanced Energetic Hookups to the Vital Web: enables one to “hookup” to anything in creation.

  • Special Vortex Meditations for Karmic Acceleration & Evolving the Energy System.

  • Merlin’s Global Healing Grid. The incredible power of this Healing Grid can be used on personal issues and complex issues for oneself or others and very directly on global issues.

Pay Balance

June 20-24th, 2025 — Virtual

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