InterDimensional Vortex (3 days)
prerequisite: LifeForm
July 25 – 27, 2025 — Virtual ~ (pay early price by June 25)
ONLINE CLASSES ARE RESTRICTED. Lorraine’s teaching areas include: USA East Coast (ME-FL including PA), Southern USA (GA, AL, LA, MO, MS, AR, TN, KY, WV), and N. Central USA (MN, WI, IA, IN, OH, MI, IL). Do not register for her classes if you live outside of this jurisdiction unless you are repeating the class or you have explicitly been granted an exception. A processing fee is assessed for all refunds. Please email if you have questions or need clarification.
Please note, to qualify for the early registration price, deposit must be made by the date indicated. After that date, you must pay full tuition price.
The class will be held from 10:30AM-6:30PM EST, and lunch break will be from 2:00-3:30PM each day. Plan to arrive at 9:15AM on the first day to test mics and camera and take attendance. The last day of class will be a full day. Do not plan to conclude early.
Pay Full Amount
Early Price: $440.00 USD
Regular Price: $470.00 USD
Repeaters Early: $330.00 USD
Repeaters Regular: $352.50 USD
To get the repeater's discount, select the "Redeem Coupon" button,
and enter the code: REPEATER
Pay Deposit
Deposit $200.00 USD
InterDimensional Vortex Class Description
3 Days | Prerequisite: LifeForm
InterDimensional Vortex is the deepest and fastest tool for releasing conditioning before getting to the Omega class. It releases by bridging everything into the Divine. Inter-D can also be used to create a unique opening to the divine in the spine and Spiritual Heart.
Other transmissions for this class include InterDimensional Crystals, Vedic Sounds, Hebrew Letters, and InterDimensional Fields that can be used for personal situations.